Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wow this year went by so fast!!!!!

Happy New Years
Bring it 2012!!!

I know that I did not blog every day, but knowing that it is the 1st day of 2012 and I was doing this for an entire year.  WOW did time fly by!!!!

Here is what is next for me!  
I start my Marathon Training tomorrow, YIKES!!
 I am going to blog my daily workouts, and pictures!
I think thant I want to try this again, I really enjoyed it, so why not give it one more year!

I am hoping to have a bunch of CD Photography pictures loaded.
My goal is to have a session at least once a week!

I am going to show my progression in my new adventures of
my photography business, my health and fitness, and the love of my family. 
~I want to be a better person in all ways~

So let the fun begin,
I will post more about this tomorrow, I have been on this computer working on friends mom's "Special Day" pictures all day.

Here are a few pictures of what we did last night!  
I just love spending time at home on NEW YEARS EVE!

So happy to have my bother and sis-in-law over.
 Thanks for the laughs!
The Girls had a BLAST too!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to looking at your pics for another year, and i think your goals are great!! Happy 2012!!!
