Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43 of 365

Air guitar at the Bon Jovi concert.
What a great night!!

Last song "Livin' On A Prayer"
She was so excited!!
(kinda blurry, cell phone pics)

They loved it!!!

Marathon countdown  ~91 days~

Now, I have to get some zzzzzzz's 
Hill work out tomorrow!!!
(3x 1/2 mi hills)

~Day 35 here I come~

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42 of 365

They got there Bon Jovi tickets!

Guess where i'll be tomorrow night.

Marathon countdown  ~92 days~


~Day 34 here I come~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41 of 365

Happy Candy Dish


I am cutting back during my training!

Marathon countdown  ~93 days~

I luv 2-a-days
RAW in the AM and speed workout in the PM
What  a day!!!

~Day 33 here I come~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40 of 365

OMG! 40 days of blogging!

Here are my Marathon Medals!
This is what I'm training for, #7here I come!

Marathon countdown  ~94 days~

Treadmill speed workout today,
I kick my bro's ARSE!!!
Whoot!  Whoot! GOOOOO me!!!!!!

~Day 32 here I come~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39 of 365


Marathon countdown  ~95 days~

RAWsome DAY!
...soooo sore!!!

~Day 31 here I come~

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38 of 365


Marathon countdown  ~96 days~

Late night treadmill speed work out.
UGH! Didn't do so good!
Tomorrow's another day! 

~Day 30 here I come~

Sunday, February 6, 2011