Starting again over!
Wow, it has been way to long for me to neglect my BLOG and other things!
I would like to start again over!
I have been so down on myself. It has been so difficult not being able to work-out, or even go out! It has been very lonley, quite at my house during the day!
(Which you would think is a good thing, but not so much anymore)
NOW I have been diagnosed with Bursitis in both shoulders, and possibly in left hip that I hurt again today while cleaning!
My kids are being jerks! Yes I called them BOTH JERKS!!!!
To everyone that said they would come and visit me, thanks for the thought!
SO, I have decided to do a few things for myself!
Lets call them-
Most important thing is;
Love my family more, especially my kids and husband!
- Be happier; no crying anymore at the stupid things in life, like not having friends! Who cares anyway!
- Get stronger; Emotionally and physically!
- Motivation; I need more espically at this time, I'm losing my MOJO!
- Stop complaining; My life is pretty darn good! I don't have everything I want, but what I have is good enough!
- Live life to the fullest; I need to start doing that! Where do I want to vacation this year, hmmmm! Hawaii, another Cruise, and an awesome Family Vacation with all of my love ones! I will make them all happen!
- What I love, my passions; ~Cyndie DeLucia PHOTOGRPAHY, I have my Photography business, and I want it to explode! I will make it happen! No more excuses, this is mine and all mine! ~Running and working out: I will get there again, and make it good! I miss it SO much, it is really driving me crazy to just sit here!
So my new Blog is going to start now
I want to show off my Photoshop talent!
I am still "somewhat" learning and improving.
I try to give myself 1 hour , make that 30min a day to practice, which rarely happens.
But starting now I have to try to give myself at least 1hour a day so I can start posting before and afters.
This will definitely give me my MOJO back!
Here is a really cool before and after,
it's called BOKEH!
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Final result! Kinda cool!
This was an easy one! The next one will be a little bit more challenging |