Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 56 of 365

Here is my treadmill workout for today
I had to run 100, 200, 400 meters and time them.
These are my results

(.6 should be .06)
the numbers on the bottom are the miles equivalent to meters
100m = 0.06miles,  200m = 0.12miles,  400m = 0.25miles

Marathon countdown  ~77 days~

10k Time Trial tomorrow!

~Day 46 here I come~

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 55 of 365

Hmmmmm, Did not take a picture today!
But here is a funny one from yesterday

....and it's Zoe again

Marathon countdown  ~78 days~

RAW Crossfit day!  

Track tomorrow!

~Day 45 here I come~

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 54 of 365

Poor Zoe needs to have surgery!!!

...large cyste on her back needs to be removed,
Poor girl!!

Marathon countdown  ~79 days~

All I have to say is 

~Day 44 here I come~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 53 of 365

Advertising my new business,
on Cranberry Taxi's

~CD Photography~

Marathon countdown  ~80 days~

Good day!!!!!
Tabata Run at RAW

This is the HARDEST 4 min work out EVER!

~Day 43 here I come~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 52 of 365

UGH!!  Girl Scout Cookie's are here!
These are my favorite

.....but they are gonna have to wait to be opened until after the MARATHON!!!!

Thats my intention!!!!
 I'll keep you all updated!

Marathon countdown  ~81 days~

All I have to say is,
we have good days, and bad days.
...can you guess what I had? 

A new day is tomorrow
~Day 42 here I come~

...and its a Tabata day!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52 of 365



Marathon countdown  ~82 days~

Treadmill killer workout,

~Day 41 here I come~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51 of 365

WOW!  50 days of blogging!

Out to dinner tonight at The Fish Market!

Food was good, but we waited for it for over an hour.
We got a free meal out of it, and we never complained!

Marathon countdown  ~83 days~

A well deserved REST day today,
and I needed it
had a headache all day long

~Day 40 here I come~