Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 190 of 365 (July 16th)

We are on our next letter in the alphabet
The 5 words are:
'Friendship, Frilly, Fuzzy, Fragile, Frosted
Here is my 1st 'F' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


To keep a relationship going, you need to be friends too!

I love my husband!!!

Day 189 of 365 (July 15th)

The 5 words are:
'Elegant, ExerciseEyesEntranceEmotions'

Here is my 5th 'E' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


So this may be thinking out side the BOX!
I love black and white pictures, and think they are so elegant
and I also think this is very elegant!

Miss Benzo!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 189 of 365 (July 14th)

The 5 words are:
'Elegant, Exercise, EyesEntrance, Emotions'

Here is my 4th 'E' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


This is my other type of working out I do, 
I love to run, and also love to do Crossfit also!  
This was at a Crossfit competition at R.A.W Training
October  30th 2010

The WOD (workout of the day) for this event was
Wall-balls (girls 14# guys 20#)
row for calories
ground to over head (65# girls, not sure what guys did)

Round one 21 times for each
round two 15 times each 
round three 9 times each

This is called Wall-balls,
-start from a squating position and then throw the 14# ball up to the first line for girls-
21, 15, 9 times

Row 21 calories, then 15, then 9.
I can usually pull 2x's for 1 calorie

Ground to over-head
65# for girls
21, 15, 9 times

The first move was called a 'clean'
Ground to shoulders

Second move is 'push jerk'
shoulders to overhead

Now we have to repeat,
this was the starting of my second round (15 reps)

I was very happy with my time it took me 13:11 to finish

Next event Deadlifting

225# I lifted

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 188 of 365 (July 13th)

The 5 words are:
'Elegant, Exercise, EyesEntrance, Emotions'

Here is my 3rd 'E' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  Thinking outside the BOX!

This is so my GRAM!  She holds no emotions inside!  She lets it all out!
God love her,  what a great lady!
Love you Gram!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 187 of 365 (July 12th)

The 5 words are:
'Elegant, Exercise, Eyes, Entrance, Emotions'

Here is my 2nd 'E' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


Do I have to explain?

Day 186 of 365 (July 11th)

I know, I know  I keep missing days of blogging.
Here is a "pic of the day" for yesterday!

We are on our next letter in the alphabet
The 5 words are:
'Elegant, Exercise, Eyes, Entrance, Emotions'

Here is my 1st 'E' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!

This is the 'ENTRANCE' to Georgetown Cupcakes in D.C. (DC Cupcakes)
The line continued up to the next block.
2 hr wait!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 185 of 365 (July 10th)

My cousin Samantha is gonna be a Senior this year!
Here are some of her Senior Pictures I took of her!

I can't believe it, that she is gonna be a SENIOR!
Good Luck Sam!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 184 of 365 (July 9th)

DoorDrink, Disorder, DebrisDark

Here is my 5th 'D' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


I think this one has "mad cow Disease" 
or "Disorder"
I pulled off the side of the road, in Florida,
to get this shot! 
This was the only cow that didn't run away!
He looks so sad!  :(
....or confused!!