Saturday, April 9, 2011

Da 93 Of 365

Here is the "L" for De Lucia!

I am using all things around our house.

Marathon countdown  ~35 days~

 ~Day 89 here I come ~

Day 92 of 365

...Yes Im a little late, went to bed really early last night, DARN COLD is wearing me out!!!!

Here Is the letter "E" for "DeLucia Alphabet Photography,
Not sure about this one, what do you think?

Marathon countdown  ~36 days~

RAW day, and Tabata Day
Raw was awesome, 
.....tabata not so good
I can't wait till this cold goes away, YUCK!!!

 ~Day 88 here I come ~

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 91 of 365

Alphabet Photography
(Trying to spell out our last name)

What do you think?

Marathon countdown  ~37 days~

Had a great workout today!  
... and I ran outside 5k, and did pretty well!
Lovin this weather!

 ~Day 87 here I come ~