Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 250 of 365 (Sept 16th)

The 5 words are:
Noisy, Neglected, Nautical, Nature, Nickle
Here is my 3rd 'N' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


it will take 2,134 of these 

.... to fill up my gas tank!!!

I was kinda low in gas, can you tell!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 249 of 365 (Sept 15th)


It's me, and my thoughts today!!
Watch out!!

Ok Girls,

I wanna try something on our blogg!  This can be done with our alphabet photography too.
What I was thinking was to set a goal for ourselves,   it can be anything, and multiple things!

I want to set a goal of being a bit more healthy, eating better, and really focusing on body transformation.  I want to change everything about my body,  this is going to be tough, tougher then anything I have ever done!  I want people to come up to me and say your are really working hard!  Awesome job~
I have a few upcoming events that I really want to do kick butt on.  I need to start working hard on them!!!!!

My next goal is to expand my photography business.  I would love to focus 100% on photography, but one little thing is holding me back,  WORK!  Derek told me that it was to only be part time, but he was sooooooo wrong!  I'm going to focus on advertising, and getting up my new website before the end of October.  I would love to have 1-2 appointments a week, that is all i'm asking for right now.  Then with-in 6 months, I would love to expand my office, and move on to a small, but REAL studio.  I have so many ideas for a studio, it is driving me crazy!  I'm running out of post-it notes.
WEDDINGS, I LOVE weddings, and babies, oh goodness, I could photograph them all day!!  I'm also wanting to photograph families, seniors, would love to have my own boudoir studio.  Oh gosh i could go on and on and on!!!  But I will stop now!~
You get the point!!!  Photography means a lot to me, sorta my passion in life

My last goal, and most important goal is to be a better person to my family, especially my kids and husband.  I feel that I have not been a very good mother and wife.  I hate when I feel like this, but it's happening more often then it should.
I want to love them more, hug them more, and listen to them more.  It sounds so easy to do, but it is so hard for me right now.  

SO i have my three "goals/ thing" that i'm going to work on, and I will be posting all my thoughts and setting my goals.

Let put down our thoughts now, and let start setting our goals with a start date on Monday 9-19-11.
How does this sound?  I think it will help us out with our daily, and personal goals! 


Good night all!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 248 of 365 (Sept 14th)

The 5 words are:
Noisy, Neglected, Nautical, Nature, Nickle
Here is my 2nd 'N' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


Foggy nature

Day 247 of 365 (Sept 13th)

The 5 words are:
Noisy, Neglected, Nautical, Nature, Nickle
Here is my 1st 'N' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 246 of 365 (Sept 12th)

Yesterday we took part in a 9-11 Memorial motorcycle run.
40 bikes each rode for one passenger of Flight 93.

 The plane crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside on Sept. 11, 2001 after the passengers tried to overwhelm terrorists who had hijacked the plane as part of an organized day of attacks upon the United States.
Riders each raised $1,000 each to participate in the flight, with all proceeds going to the Flight 93 National Memorial campaign.

Derek and Gina rode for passenger 

Edward Porter Felt

A computer engineer for BEA Systems from Matawan, N.J., Edward Felt was taking Flight 93 to get to a business meeting in San Francisco. The 41-year-old left behind his wife, Sandy, and daughters, Adrienne and Kathryn.

Here are a few pictures from the day!

Let's Roll!!!

It was so foggy out the morning of
Bikes in route

Flag on back of Derek's bike

Bobby and Derek

Crash site

Mr. Porter Felt's wife and daughter

A family member of one of the passengers sad

I over-heard this young man talking to the media,
He said he was only 16, and was a JR Fire Fighter.
He WAS one of the First Responders!

police on horses

State Troopers came to just watch!

Sad, sad, sad faces

Mr Porter Felts youngest brother spoke 


Part of the memorial wall,  we were not allowed  to get close, just for the families.

Mr. President was on his way to talk to the families,  but we had to leave!
I wish I was there to see that!!!
I wonder which aircraft he was in.

Day 245 of 365 (Sept 11th)

The 5 words are:
Monkey, Mushroom, Messy, Mask, Mountain
Here is my 3rd 'M' word for our
'A to Z' challenge!


Shanksville PA