Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15 of 365

Winter is still here
 ...and I love it

Early morning run at North Park Boathouse!

10 mile run on this cold crisp morning with the best running partner ever,  my bro!
Oh what a great feeling!

Day 8 here I come
....and it's a rest DAY!!!

Marathon countdown  ~120 days~

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 of 365

Gina and her "POKER FACE"

Had an awesome day of workouts!
 Got my 'RAW' on,
and Speed Workout in!

Day 7 here I come!
10 mile run at NP.

Marathon countdown  ~121 days~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13 of 365

Here is "Kitkat"  she's our 11 year old tuxedo cat! The best cat EVER!! 
We named her after my husbands favorite candy bar,  
don't  even ask why!

"Hello everyone!"

Ok, I did not get a workout in, and I'm not feeling so good about that!
School delay = Gym was delayed

No worries, because I'm scheduled for a 
2-A-DAY tomorrow  :)

Day 6 here I come!

Marathon countdown  ~122 days~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12 of 365

~Zoe in the snowy!~

...she only lasted 30 seconds!

~School was cancelled today~

~Not such a good workout, had to do it at home because the gym was closed also~

 Better day tomorrow!

Day 5 here I come!

Marathon countdown  ~123 days~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11 of 365


I love the snow, so beautiful!!

Kids have a 2hr delay already tonight,  I bet ya school will be cancelled tomorrow!

Had a great workout today!
 Day 4 here I come!
Marathon countdown  ~124 days~

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10 of 365

Had a speed workout today, a dr appt, and a little bit of work got done! 
Legs are sore, health is good, and now it's time to shut down the computer!

 Good night, and lets do it again tomorrow, minus the dr appt, and add a game night with the fam!!!

Day 3 here I come!
Marathon countdown  ~125 days~

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9 of 365

It's Marathon training time! Got started by running the Frigid 5 Miler!  It sure was frigid- light flurries, windy and 14 degrees!  Brrrrr!  I love to run in the cold, but this was a little extreme!

Me and my shoes!

Day 2 here I come!
Marathon countdown  ~126 days~