Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 335 of 365 (Dec 1st)

The words this week are:
Young, Yellow, Yard, Yankee, Yell
Here is my 3rd 'Y' thing for our
'A to Z' challenge!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 334 Of 365 (Nov 30th)

The words this week are:
Young, Yellow, Yard, Yankee, Yell
Here is my 2nd 'Y' thing for our
'A to Z' challenge!

I would love to have land / yard this big! 
What a great place to photograph kids! 
Thanks to Patty!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 333 of 365 (Nov 29th)

The words this week are:
Young, Yellow, Yard, Yankee, Yell
Here is my 1st 'Y' thing for our
'A to Z' challenge!

"Young and Yield"

Gina and Miss Young
pretending to be the Mr. Yield dude!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 332 of 365 (nov 28th)

It's my Birthday today!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!
I had a great dinner with some great peeps!
Love you all!

Check out how big my hand looks!
I have man hands!

Day 331 of 365 (Nov 27th)

The words this week are:
X-ray and Xylophone
Here is my 2nd 'X' thing for our
'A to Z' challenge!

X's on the wall.

This is called the Sticky wall!

.... or just 2 crazy girls jumping on to the wall!